We heard from Chicago and have a fingerprint appointment in Charlotte on July 14th. That is a big deal - you never know how long you will have to wait for those immigration appointments.
And Mia has a US Passport in preparation for her big trip back to China. We are planning to take her with us when we go so that she is part of the whole process. We know it will be quite an adjustment for her to share Mom and Dad with another sister, but if she is there when it all first happens we are hoping she understands and helps Ella to make the transition.
And that's all that has happened! We are waiting eagerly for the final paper to arrive after the fingerprint approval so that we can have our Dossier sealed and ready to mail. Then the real wait will begin!
Mia with a passport is a FRIGHTENING thing ! To paraphrase Dr. Seuss " Oh, the places she will go..."