Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Fretting or Faith

Several people have been asking when we might travel so I thought I would share this.

The last few days have been hard waiting and anticipating on news (any kind of news at this point). Several weeks ago our paperwork was processing quickly and there was word that we might travel early December or even over Christmas. We had talked with the girls about the possibliity of us being gone on Christmas Day... I think Emma was sad because Christmas is also her birthday as well. But we kept figuring and counting and it looked like it might just happen.

A few days ago, our agency said that it looked like we wouldn't travel until January. Needless to say, I was heartbroken. I called our agency multiple times asking why, why, and why. They just said that our TA was on the right desk (THIS TIME),but just waiting to be signed and our TA issued. So, over the last few day my emotions have been rather up and down. This is how I look at -- my baby girl is over in some orphanage in Beijing and we are waiting on 1 paper to be signed. A nanny is feeding her, playing with her (if there is any playtime), dressing her, taking her to the potty etc, while her forever family is waiting to go get her and bring her home.

This whole picture is hard to swallow. But as I was walking outside on this beautiful morning and listening to the song Mighty to Save, I realized that we must give God the Glory for everything. God's timing is perfect and the more I listened to this song, I realized that no matter how we have our plans laid out it doesn't matter- God's plan and timing is ALWAYS PERFECT. As over the past few days I have played over in my mind many different scenarios and bottom line is we will get Ella Claire in God's time. It might be next week or in January, but everything happens for a reason. So, being Thanksgiving is tomorrow we will focus on being thankful!


  1. Praying for you and your family-I know how hard this wait is-It is so hard to be a good mommy when we are worrying about the baby across the world waiting for us-Some days are great and some days I have to make myself function and not hide and cry-As you said, all we can do is trust in His PERFECT timing-sometimes that is so hard-I will continue to pray for you-Hope you hear soon so that you will at least have a date-
    Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving-

  2. Bridget,
    No matter how loved and happy your other three are the fact is your fourth daughter is not at home. Your heart naturally yearns for the one who is missing. I am so thankful that the same Lord who made these beautiful stars this evening is the same God who is watching over Ella. Bonnie

  3. Mighty to Save was our Tovah song when things were so tough in China with our sweet girl. He IS MIGHTY TO SAVE and able to bring about perfect timing.
    Trusting with you for perfect timing for your trip to your girl. Glad that TA finally arrived (saw on FFTIA today). Linny over at A Place called Simplicity blog also got TA for their Jubilee today after more than a year in the adoption process.
    Yipee for TA's and TRAVEL!!
