In case you are interested in following the travel during the next hours... I'm going to try my best to interpret times to "Asheville Time"...
Leaving Guangzhou to fly to Beijing: 1:30 AM - 4:30 AM (January 1st) - 3 hour flight
3.5 hours layover in Beijing
Leaving Beijing to fly to Los Angeles: 8:00 AM - 7:30 PM (January 1st) - 11.5 hour flight... if you want to track our progress follow the link below and scroll down to the bottom of the page - You'll see our plane in flight!! 7.5 hour layover in LA... the adoption community is wonderful - we are planning to spend time with a family in LA who is also adopting from the same special needs list where we found Ella - they leave January 19th to pick up their daughter!
Leaving LA to fly to Atlanta: 2:55 AM - 7:08 AM (January 2nd) - 4 hour flight
Almost 3 hour layover in Atlanta
Leaving Atlanta to fly to Asheville: 9:52 AM - 10:50 AM (January 2nd) - 1 hour flight