Friday, January 8, 2010

More Airport Pictures... A Homecoming for Mia Too!!

There has been some writing about children who have been adopted as toddlers not quite being sure that their family is the last stop. There is no way of knowing what was going on in Mia's head while she was in China and watching Ella's adoption take place. She has definitely had her moments! It's hard to be the center of attention for over a year and then to have to share the spotlight. We are so grateful for friends and family who have worked hard to keep Mia "in the love" while we all try to adjust to being a family of six! We are also hoping that Mia's security has been strengthened by leaving and realizing that she will always come "HOME" to her house, to her sisters, to her wonderfully inclusive grandparents, to her cousins and aunts and uncles, and to her friends. We love you, Mia!

1 comment:

  1. Sweet Mia a.k. a. "Pothole"

    As I read this post it took me back to when you were just an "idea". (Of course God has always known who you were meant to be with) Anyhow.. when Mommy first told me about you and I saw your picture ( in a sweet little chicken suit)..Guess what? I loved you IMMEDIATELY! Deeply, without hesitaion, hook, line, and sinker! I loved you then and there as much as I loved Emma and Savannah.
    You are just simply wonderful you! I love how your eyes twinkle, the way you giggle, and when I hear you pray...I cry every time! Let me just say that you are loved by "Onnie" with every beat of my heart.

    Just when I thought I could not love the King family anymore, I find out that Ella Claire is on the way! I didn't even realize she was missing unitl your Mommy said "we have to go back. We have another daughter there". Guess What? I did it again..I fell hopelessly in love with a King gal I had never met.

    Oh my cup runneth over!

    Mia, thank you for the blessing you are in my life and thank you for going back to get Ella Claire! Love, "Onnie"
