Friday, January 1, 2010

Travel Days in "Asheville Time"

In case you are interested in following the travel during the next hours... I'm going to try my best to interpret times to "Asheville Time"...

Leaving Guangzhou to fly to Beijing: 1:30 AM - 4:30 AM (January 1st) - 3 hour flight
3.5 hours layover in Beijing

Leaving Beijing to fly to Los Angeles: 8:00 AM - 7:30 PM (January 1st) - 11.5 hour flight... if you want to track our progress follow the link below and scroll down to the bottom of the page - You'll see our plane in flight!!

7.5 hour layover in LA... the adoption community is wonderful - we are planning to spend time with a family in LA who is also adopting from the same special needs list where we found Ella - they leave January 19th to pick up their daughter!

Leaving LA to fly to Atlanta: 2:55 AM - 7:08 AM (January 2nd) - 4 hour flight
Almost 3 hour layover in Atlanta

Leaving Atlanta to fly to Asheville: 9:52 AM - 10:50 AM (January 2nd) - 1 hour flight


  1. So very excited that you are on American soil! In the pictures, Mia looks so much older to me! i have missed that little stinker. After you are all settled in, start bracing yourself for a huge hug from me. By the Way..Lorraine Griffith- you are AWESOME!!!!

  2. Praying for you guys! Sorry we didn't fly to ATL together. Happy birthday Kevin.

    Danny & Emily
