Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

To all our friends and family at home:

As we sit in a hotel room in another country on Christmas Day, with only half of our children, it's hard to accept not being home for Christmas with all the festivities, gatherings, and of course delicious meals. But when we look at the smile on our new daughter's face, we think about the name Emanuel (God Is With Us) and realize God had a reason for bringing us here at this particular time. It's hard to say this is the most special Christmas ever, because of the year 2000 when our 2nd precious child was born on Christmas Day. But we truly believe Mia and Ella were chosen by God to be a part of our family.

In James 1:27, James says religion that God our Father accepts as pure and fautless is to look after orphans and widows in distress and keep oneself from being polluted by the world. We consider ourselves extremely blessed that God laid this on our hearts and even though our life is MASS CHAOS we would never change a single thing. We love each and every one of you and are so grateful that you are in our life.


Dear Savannah and Emma,
Happy 9th birthday to our sweet Emma Grace. We cannot wait to celebrate your birthday with you when we get home. Girls, we want you to know that you are a huge part of this and we absolutely could not do it without you. We love you with all our hearts and can't wait to see you and introduce you to your new sister. We hope you have the Merriest Christmas ever.
Mom, Dad, Mia, and Ella


  1. Boy.....what an incredible Life God has granted you with. What a blessing to experience the adage "you may not make a difference in the world but you can make a world of difference in the life of a child". We are COUNTING down the days until you are back home. Thank goodness jumping on beds is still FREE and fun. How awesome that S. and E. have always know how it is to have a daddy catch them and that now Ella and Mia will never experience again to not have a daddy catch them!

  2. Merry Christmas!!! What a wonderful Christmas you will never forget!! We have so enjoyed following your journey and look forward to the days ahead!! Blessings to you!!!
