Friday, December 18, 2009


We went to a "straw market" where the sellers hound you to buy and then bargain. We were all together for awhile and then Kevin went off by himself for a while. He came back looking a bit haggard and exhausted! He told us all about him saying something to all of the sellers - he was trying to say "no NO!" Our friends burst out laughing! He was saying "Pee Pee!" to everyone! I'm surprised he wasn't led to a squatty potty somewhere!

The food has been so much better on this trip! I can honestly say I have enjoyed it. We have also had the opportunity to see China from a more real point of view, by Americans who actually live here! We visited an upscale mall today - way too high priced for us! But it was fun to walk around. We ended the trip with a meal at Outback with our new friends! It was great and we had a wonderful time. They are so willing to spend time with us and we are so thankful. You can see that we are missing seeing sights on our itinerary - but frankly it is just too cold to drag the girls up onto the Great Wall. We were just here a year ago and the girls are too young to remember anyway. We are having a great time just seeing China through a different lens!

1 comment:

  1. I about fell off my chair when I read about Kevin shouting "pee-pee" to all the sellers. What a hoot. Love the pictures of the girlies fresh from their bath. It takes me back to last year when Mia was discovering all the new adventures..real toliets, bath tubs, carzy Daddy, sweet Mama, and being able to eat all she wants!!! I am having major King family withdrawl. I can't even get to the two King gals who are within 5 miles of me due to all the white stuff! Time to get out the snowshoes so I can get a Savannah/Emma fix! Much love, Bonnie
